Friday, February 24, 2012

3D Design - Second Project

The goal of this project was to create a wireframe model. I chose to replicate the SSV Normandy SR1 from the original Mass Effect in honor of the upcoming release of Mass Effect 3, as well as for the nerd points of course.
I chose the SR1 over the SR2 mainly both because Mass Effect was the better game, and the original Systems Alliance design is more complex and interesting than its Cerberus copycat.

The model was built from copper-coated welding rod. Parts were soldered together at first, but I later found hot-glue to be much stronger and easier to apply. I didn't have a digital 3D model or blueprints to work from, and based most of my measurements on Googled screenshots and in-game cutscenes.

Here're a few photos of the ship under construction. At this point I had finished the fuselage and begun construction on the two primary fusion torch nacelles...

Here is the completed model. Sadly, it's unable to reconfigure it's thrusters for stability reasons, but looks pretty shiny nonetheless...

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